It's true to say that the world looks better when its uncluttered.

The less text a homepage features, the 'nicer' it may look, but as your homepage is the most important page on your website, it must physically tell the user and the search engines what exactly your business is all about. If appearing high in the organic search listings is important to your business, do you really want a computer to hazard a guess?

Remember, even the most complex and intelligent computer will only ever carry up to 4% capacity of the human brain. So when designing your homepage, you need to lend consideration to this.  It can be a constant battle to find the right equilibrium.

Prestige Creative are not designers. We are not web developers. What we are is experts in SEO and web content. So we can work with your designers and technical teams to advise on best practice and ensure that your homepage has the right balance of style and content.

Once you've perfected your homepage, it will be time to look at optimising the rest of your website, which we can help with too.